Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

AI, Machine Learning, and Deep and Intelligent Medicine Simplified for Everyone

Academic Edition, Chapter 37 - References/Further Reading

General Edition, Chapter 19 - References/Further Reading


  1. Tandon D, Rajawat J. Present and future of artificial intelligence in dentistry. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research. 2020 Jul 24.
  2. Bindushree V, Sameen RJ, Vasudevan V, Shrihari TG, Devaraju D, Mathew NS. Artificial intelligence: In modern dentistry. Journal of Dental Research and Review. 2020 Jan 1;7(1):27.
  3. Drozdzal M, Chartrand G, Vorontsov E, Shakeri M, Di Jorio L, Tang A, Romero A, Bengio Y, Pal C, Kadoury S. Learning normalized inputs for iterative estimation in medical image segmentation. Medical image analysis. 2018 Feb 1;44:1-3.
  4. Mario MC, Abe JM, Ortega NR, Del Santo Jr M. Paraconsistent artificial neural network as auxiliary in cephalometric diagnosis. Artificial organs. 2010 Jul;34(7):E215-21.
  5. Alkasab TK, Bizzo BC, Berland LL, Nair S, Pandharipande PV, Harvey HB. Creation of an open framework for point-of-care computer-assisted reporting and decision support tools for radiologists. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2017 Sep 1;14(9):1184-9.
  6. Turkyilmaz I, Eskow CC, Soganci G. CAD/CAM Technology in Implant Dentistry. Current Concepts in Dental Implantology, IntechOpen. 2015 Feb 25:149-78.
  7. Widmann G. Image-guided surgery and medical robotics in the cranial area. Biomedical imaging and intervention journal. 2007 Jan;3(1).
  8. Ruppin J, Popovic A, Strauss M, Spüntrup E, Steiner A, Stoll C. Evaluation of the accuracy of three different computer‐aided surgery systems in dental implantology: optical tracking vs. stereolithographic splint systems. Clinical oral implants research. 2008 Jul;19(7):709-16.
  9. Lee KC, Park SJ. Digital Intraoral Scanners and Alginate Impressions in Reproducing Full Dental Arches: A Comparative 3D Assessment. Applied Sciences. 2020 Jan;10(21):7637.
  10. Xie X, Wang L, Wang A. Artificial neural network modeling for deciding if extractions are necessary prior to orthodontic treatment. The Angle Orthodontist. 2010 Mar;80(2):262-6.
  11. Tan MS, Tan JW, Chang SW, Yap HJ, Kareem SA, Zain RB. A genetic programming approach to oral cancer prognosis. PeerJ. 2016 Sep 21;4:e2482.
  12. Sohmura T, Kusumoto N, Otani T, Yamada S, Wakabayashi K, Yatani H. CAD/CAM fabrication and clinical application of surgical template and bone model in oral implant surgery. Clinical oral implants research. 2009 Jan;20(1):87-93.
  13. Papantonopoulos G, Takahashi K, Bountis T, Loos BG. Aggressive periodontitis defined by recursive partitioning analysis of immunologic factors. Journal of periodontology. 2013 Jul;84(7):974-84.
  14. Łodygowski T, Szajek K, Wierszycki M. Optimization of dental implant using genetic algorithm. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2009;47:573-98.
  15. Shin H, Markey MK. A machine learning perspective on the development of clinical decision support systems utilizing mass spectra of blood samples. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2006 Apr 1;39(2):227-48.
  16. Khanagar SB, Al-ehaideb A, Maganur PC, Vishwanathaiah S, Patil S, Baeshen HA, et al. Developments, application, and performance of artificial intelligence in dentistry – A systematic review. J Dent Sci. 2021 Jan;16(1):508–22.
  17. J Kurup R, Sodhi A, R S. Dentistry and Artificial Intelligence. Acta Sci Dent Scienecs. 2020;4(10):26–32.
  18. AI Transforming dental care using AI and computer vision [Internet]. [cited 2021 Apr 9]. Available from: