MRI Reports

MRI Reports (3472)

MRI Reports Database

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyz P. Patalmn / M / 58 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzah.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Brain.


C/O heaviness of tongue since 00.00.00.
Known hypertensive.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.

5 mm thick FLAIR coronal images.


There are hyperintense areas on the proton and T2 Weighted images within the pons on the left side, right thalamus, left middle cerebellar peduncle, periventricular regions bilaterally, right external capsule and right corona radiata. These are isointense to the white matter on the T1 Weighted images and are suggestive of areas of ischemia.

Lacunar infarcts are noted in the left thalamus, both lentiform and caudate nuclei, right corona radiata and centrum semiovale.

There is mild dilatation of both the lateral ventricles.
The third and the fourth ventricles are normal. There is prominence of the cortical sulcal spaces and cerebellar folia bilaterally. The basal cisternal spaces are prominent. There is no shift of the midline structures. No obvious vascular anomaly is identified on this study.

Incidental note is made of inflammatory changes in the frontal sinus and the ethmoidal air cells.

A mega cisterna magna is noted.
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The MRI features are suggestive of :

1. Areas of altered signal within the pons on the left side, right thalamus and left middle cerebellar peduncle and periventricular regions bilaterally, right external capsule and right corona radiata would represent ischemic changes.

2. Lacunar infarcts in the left thalamus, both lentiform and caudate nuclei, right corona radiata and centrum semiovale.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzalmn / M / 45 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzh.
Examination :M.R.I. of the Brain.


C/O memory lapses since 15 days.
Known hypertensive.
H/O left sided weakness with loss of memory in June 0000.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.

5 mm thick FLAIR coronal images.


There are fairly well-defined areas which are near isointense to CSF on all the pulse sequences within the left parieto-temporal lobes. Adjacent to these are areas which are hypointense on the T1 Weighted images and which turn hyperintense on the Proton, T2 Weighted and FLAIR images and would represent gliotic changes. This lesion in toto would represent an area of cystic encephalomalacia. There is ex-vacuo dilatation of the atrium and occipital horn of the left lateral ventricle.

The rest of the lateral, third and the fourth ventricles are normal. The basal cisternal spaces are unremarkable. There is no shift of the midline structures. No obvious vascular anomaly is identified on this study.


The MRI features are suggestive of an area of cystic encephalomalacia in the left parieto-temporal lobes.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyz Slmn / M / 42 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzngsarkar.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Lumbo-sacral Spine.


C/O backache with radiation of pain to the LLE.


M.R.I of the lumbo-sacral spine was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial images.


The L1-L2 and L5-S1 intervertebral discs show loss of water content.

There is a postero-central disc extrusion with peridiscal osteophytes indenting the thecal sac at the L5-S1 level. Also seen is impingement of the traversing left S1 nerve root and indentation upon the traversing right S1 nerve root at this level.

A left postero-lateral (foraminal) disc herniation is seen to narrow the left neuralforamen and indent the exiting left L5 nerve root at the L5-S1 level. The left facet joint at this level shows mild degenerative changes.

A posterior disc bulge is noted at the L1-L2 level.

The lumbar vertebral bodies and the remaining intervertebral discs reveal normal signal intensity. The rest of the facet joints and the visualized pre and paravertebral soft tissues are unremarkable.

The conus medullaris terminates at the L1 level and the thecal sac terminates at the S2 level.

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The antero-posterior dimensions of the lumbar canal at the level of the intervertebral discs are as follows :

16.0 mm at L1-L2

18.0 mm at L2-L3

17.0 mm at L3-L4

16.0 mm at L4-L5

12.0 mm at L5-S1.

The dorsal spine was screened with 5 mm thick T1 Weighted sagittal images and does not show any significant feature of note.


The MRI features are suggestive of :

1. A postero-central disc extrusion with peridiscal osteophytes impinging
the traversing left S1 nerve root at the L5-S1 level.

2. A left postero-lateral (foraminal) disc herniation at the L5-S1 level.

3. Mild facetal arthropathy on the left side at the L5-S1 level.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 01.0000

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzar Slmn / M / 25 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzngaonkar.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Lumbo-sacral Spine.


H/O fall from a height on 00.00.00.
C/O paraplegia with bladder involvement since then.


M.R.I of the lumbo-sacral spine was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial images.


There is a decrease in the height of the L2 vertebral body with anterior wedging. A fracture line is seen to course through the posterior aspect of this vertebral body. Also seen is a break of the superior cortical endplate (probably of the inferior cortical endplate too). The L2 vertebral body and pedicles show hypointense signal on the T1 Weighted imags which turns hyperintense on the T2 Weighted images and which would represent bone edema. Also seen is a fracture of both laminae. There is rupture of the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments at this level.

The L2 vertebral body is seen to bulge posteriorly with resultant indentation upon the conus medullaris. The lower cord and conus medullaris over the D12 to L2 levels shows a hyperintense signal on the T2 Weighted images and which would represent cord edema/contusion. The cord and conus medullaris over these levels are seen to be swollen.
An intermediate signal intensity lesion in the anterior epidural space at the L2 vertebral level may represent slight epidural haemorrhage. A left paracentral disc protrusion is noted at the L2-L3 level.

Hyperintense signal on the T2 Weighted images is noted within the paraspinal soft tissues over the L1 to L3 vertebral levels and which would represent soft tissue edema.

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A postero-central disc protrusion is seen to indent the thecal sac at the L5-S1 level. A posterior disc bulge is noted at the L4-L5 level. The facet joints at these levels show degenerative changes.

The visualized urinary bladder is marked distended.

The D12-L1 intervertebral disc shows loss of water content.

The conus medullaris terminates at the L2 level and the thecal sac terminates at the S2 level.


In a known C/O trauma, the MRI features are suggestive of :

1. Fracture of the L2 vertebra.

2. Cord compression with cord edema/contusion over the D12 to L2 vertebral
Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc XyzNilmn / M / 35 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzdar.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Brain.


Alleged H/O head injury for which a right fronto-parietal craniotomy was done on 00.00.00.
For follow-up.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.

5 mm thick FLAIR and Fast Scan (T2 *) coronal images.



There is evidence of a right fronto-parietal craniotomy.

There is seen a fairly large, approximately 3.8 x 7.8 x 4.2 cms sized mass lesion in the right deep fronto-temporo-parietal region. This lesion has a peripheral hyperintense rim with an intermediate signal intensity centre on the T1 Weighted images. On the proton and T2 Weighted images the peripheral rim remains hyperintense where as the centre of the lesion appears relatively hypointense. On the Fast Scan (T2 *) images the centre of the lesion appears significantly more hypointense. Perilesional white matter hyperintense signal on the T2 Weighted and FLAIR images may represent perilesional edema. Effacement of the sulcal spaces in the right fronto-temporo-parietal region is noted with indentation and compression of the right lateral and third ventricles, effacement of the suprasellar cistern and shift of the midline to the left.
- 2 - Scan - 00008

Hyperintense, fluid level is noted in the lateral ventricles bilaterally with evidence of haemorrhage in the fourth ventricle. Mild dilatation of the left lateral ventricle is noted when compared to the right.

There is a thin sliver of a hyperintense signal on all the pulse sequences over the cerebral convexity in the right fronto-temporo-parietal region which may represent subdural fluid, the sequelae of previous surgery.

No obvious vascular anomaly is identified on this study.

Inflammatory changes are noted in the paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells bilaterally.


1. Post-operative status.

2. An approximately 3.8 x 7.8 x 4.2 cms sized mass lesion in the right deep fronto-temporo-parietal region as described follows the signal characteristics of a subacute hematoma . Intraventricular fluid level may either suggest dissection of the hematoma into the ventricles or may be the sequelae of previous surgery. Resultant mass effect is noted. It is difficult to differentiate the gel foam packing from a residual/recurrent hematoma on this study.

3. A sliver of subdural fluid over the cerebral convexity in the right fronto-temporo-parietal region is the sequelae of previous surgery.

As compared to the previous MRI (study no: 00007) dated 00.00.00, there is a slight decrease in the size of the hematoma and in the degree of the resultant mass effect. Haemorrhage is now noted in the lateral ventricles. The hematoma is now in the subacute stage. The patient is status post-operative.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzlmn / F / 24 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyz Chauhan.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Cervical Spine.


C/O headaches since 15 days.


M.R.I of the cervical spine was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and Fast Scan (T2 *) axial images.


There is slight loss of water content of the C3-C4, C4-C5 and C5-C6 intervertebral discs.

A postero-central protruded disc with peridiscal osteophytes is noted at the C3-C4 level.

Posterior disc bulges are noted at the C5-C6 and C6-C7 levels.

The cervical vertebral bodies and the remaining intervertebral discs show normal signal intensity. The joints of Luschka and the visualized pre and paravertebral soft tissues are unremarkable.

The cervical spinal cord shows normal signal intensity.

The atlanto-axial region and the cervico-medullary junction are unremarkable.

Loss of normal flow void signal (hyperintense signal) in the left internal jugular vein may suggest slow flow.

Screening, T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted midline sagittal images of the dorsal spine and a T1 Weighted midline sagittal image of the lumbar spine do not reveal any significant feature of note.


A postero-central protruded disc with peridiscal osteophytes at the C3-C4 level.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xylmn / M / 75 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzchale.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Brain.


C/O heaviness of the left side of the body since October 0000.
H/O HT +.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.

5 mm thick FLAIR coronal images.


Hyperintense areas on the proton, T2 Weighted and FLAIR images are seen within the periatrial white matter bilaterally. These are iso to hypointense to normal white matter on the T1 Weighted images and are most likely ischemic in etiology.

There is fullness of the third and both the lateral ventricles. There is prominence of the cerebral cortical sulci (more so of the parietal lobes), Sylvian fissures and cerebellar folia bilaterally.

Foci which are iso to hyperintense to CSF are seen within the right lentiform nucleus and right thalamus and these most likely represent lacunes.

Slow flow is seen in the internal jugular vein and sigmoid sinus on the right side.

- 2 - Scan : 00006

The fourth ventricle is normal. The basal cisternal spaces are unremarkable. There is no shift of the midline structures. No obvious vascular anomaly is identified on this study.

Inflammatory changes are seen in the sphenoid sinus.


The MRI features are suggestive of :

1. Cerebral atrophy, more so of the parietal lobes.

2. Lacunes within the right lentiform nucleus and right thalamus.

3. Areas of altered signal within the periatrial white matter bilaterally which are most likely ischemic in etiology.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzai G. Klmn / F / 80 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzwant.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Brain.


C/O forgetfulness.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.

5 mm thick FLAIR coronal images.



Ill-defined, hyperintense signal on the proton, T2 Weighted and FLAIR images in the posterior parietal, periventricular white matter bilaterally, most likely represents ischemic changes.

There is mild dilatation of both the lateral and third ventricles. The fourth ventricle is normal. There is prominence of the cerebral cortical sulci, cerebellar folia and basal cisternal spaces bilaterally.

There is no shift of the midline structures. No obvious vascular anomaly is identified on this study.


1. Altered signal in the posterior parietal, periventricular white matter bilaterally, most likely represents ischemic changes.

2. Mild cerebral cortical and cerebellar atrophy.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzr T. Palmn / M / 75 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzhlani.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Brain.


C/O Known diabetic & hypertensive. On Rx.
C/O right sided weakness with heaviness of tongue since 5-6 days.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.
5 mm thick FLAIR coronal images.


There is evidence of a fairly well-defined, space-occupying lesion within the right cerebellar hemisphere and measuring approximately 2.4 x 3.8 x 3.0 cms. The lesion has a hypointense to isointense centre with a hyperintense rim on all the pulse sequences suggestive of a subacute bleed. This lesion is surrounded by hypointense areas on the T1 Weighted images which turn hyperintense on the proton, T2 Weighted and FLAIR images and which would represent perilesional edema. There is resultant compression upon the fourth ventricle with slight shift to the left side. Also seen is effacement of the adjacent sulcal spaces.

Hyperintense areas on the proton, T2 Weighted and FLAIR images (iso to hypointense on the T1 Weighted images) are seen in the periatrial white matter and are most likely ischemic in etiology.

Dilated perivascular spaces are seen in the lentiform nuclei and centrum semiovale bilaterally.

There is mild fullness of the third and both the lateral ventricles. Also seen is prominence of the cerebral cortical sulci and left cerebellar folia.

No obvious vascular anomaly is identified on this study.

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The MRI features are suggestive of a subacute bleed measuring approximately 2.4 x 3.8 x 3.0 cms. in the right cerebellar hemisphere with surrounding mass effect.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc XyzCharntilmn / M / 48 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzah.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Brain.


H/O loss of vision bilaterally since April 0000.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.
5 mm thick FLAIR coronal images.
3 mm thick and T1 Weighted and STIR coronal images.


The optic nerves are decreased in calibre bilaterally and show a hyperintense signal on the STIR images.

A small extra-axial lesion which appears to be arising from the inner table in the right temporal region is noted. It is hypointense on all the pulse sequences. It is seen to indent the adjacent right temporal lobe.

Both the lateral, third and the fourth ventricles are normal. The basal cisternal spaces are unremarkable. There is no shift of the midline structures. No obvious vascular anomaly is identified on this study.


The MRI features are suggestive of :

1. Bilateral optic atrophy with altered signal (? the result of ischemia/neuritis).
2. A small extra-axial lesion in the right temporal region may represent an osteochondroma (? meningioma).