Thu, 26 Dec 2024 05:59:29 +0000 en-gb 11396 Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzhari Jailmn / M / 25 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzichale.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Cervical Spine.


C/O neck pain with weakness in the LUE and LLE and paresthesias in the RUE and RLE since 2 1 /2 months.


M.R.I. of the cervical spine was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and Fast Scan (T2 *) axial images


There is loss of normal cervical lordosis and loss of water content of the cervical intervertebral discs.

A congenital block C5/C6 vertebra is noted.

There is a fairly large, left paracentral extruded disc at the C4-C5 level with cord compression. Slight inferior migration of the disc fragment is noted. The cervical cord at this level shows a hyperintense signal on the T2 Weighted and Fast Scan (T2 *) images suggesting cord edema/ischemia.

Small posterior disc bulges are noted at the C3-C4 and C6-C7 levels.

The cervical vertebral bodies reveal normal signal intensity. The joints of Luschka and the visualized pre and paravertebral soft tissues are unremarkable.

The atlanto-axial region and cervico-medullary junction are unremarkable.

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1. A congenital block C5/C6 vertebra.

2. A fairly large, left paracentral extruded disc at the C4-C5 level with cord compression.

3. Altered cord signal at the C4-C5 level suggests cord edema/ischemia.

]]> (Regular User) MRI Reports Sun, 27 Dec 2015 16:48:00 +0000