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Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzra lmn / M / 60 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzra.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Lumbo-sacral Spine.


C/O low back pain radiating to the LLE with paresthesias since 15 days.


M.R.I of the lumbo-sacral spine was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial images.


There is loss of normal lumbar lordosis and loss of water content of the lower lumbar intervertebral discs.

There is evidence of laminectomy of the L3 and L4 vertebrae with post-operative changes in the soft tissues in the posterior lumbar region at these levels.

A posterior disc bulge with peridiscal osteophytes is noted at the L5-S1 level with bilateral neural foraminal narrowing and indentation on the S1 nerve roots bilaterally.

A posteriorly bulging disc with peridiscal osteophytes is noted at the L4-L5 level with bilateral neural foraminal narrowing. A disc fragment is noted in the left neural foramen at the L4-L5 level, impinging the left L4 and L5 nerve root.

A small posterior disc bulge with peridiscal osteophytes is noted at the L3-L4 level.

A very small, fat signal intensity lesion on all the pulse sequences in the thecal sac at the L4 vertebral level, may represent intrathecal contrast globule.

Facetal hypertrophy is noted at the L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels bilaterally.

The intrathecal nerve roots in the lower lumbar region appear clumped suggesting arachnoiditis.

Fatty marrow changes are noted in the L4 and L5 vertebral bodies.

The rest of the lumbar vertebral bodies and the remaining intervertebral discs reveal normal signal intensity. The rest of the facet joints and the visualized pre and paravertebral soft tissues are unremarkable.

The conus medullaris terminates at the L1 level and the thecal sac terminates at the S1 level.

The antero-posterior dimensions of the lumbar canal at the level of the intervertebral discs are as follows :

15.0 mm at L1-L2
15.0 mm at L2-L3
9.0 mm at L5-S1.


1. Post-operative status.

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2. A posterior disc bulge with peridiscal osteophytes at the L5-S1 level with bilateral neural foraminal narrowing and indentation on the S1 nerve roots bilaterally.

3. A posteriorly bulging disc with peridiscal osteophytes at the L4-L5 level with a disc fragment in the left neural foramen at the L4-L5 level, impinging the left L4 and L5 nerve root.

4. A small posterior disc bulge with peridiscal osteophytes at the L3-L4 level.

5. Facetal hypertrophy at the L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels, bilaterally.

6. Arachnoiditis in the lower lumbar region.

7. Canal stenosis at the L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyza Plmn / F / 35 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzn.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Lumbo-sacral Spine.


C/O low back pain with pain radiating to RLE since 1 month with paresthesias.


M.R.I of the lumbo-sacral spine was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial images.


There is loss of water content of the lower lumbar intervertebral discs.

A small, postero-central and right postero-lateral disc herniation is noted at the L5-S1 level, with right neural foraminal narrowing. A small right far lateral (extraforaminal) disc herniation is seen to indent the extraforaminal portion of the exiting right L5 nerve root.

A fairly large, right paracentral disc extrusion is noted at the L4-L5 level with thecal sac compression and inferior migration of the disc fragment indenting the traversing right L5 nerve root.

Small posterior peridiscal osteophytes are noted at the L3-L4 level.

A small postero-central protruded disc with peridiscal osteophytes is noted at the L2-L3 level.

The L5-S1 facet joints bilaterally and the left L4-L5 facet joint show degenerative changes.

Type II degenerative marrow changes are noted adjacent to the L4-L5 disc.

The rest of the lumbar vertebral bodies and the remaining intervertebral discs reveal normal signal intensity. The rest of the facet joints and the visualized pre and paravertebral soft tissues are unremarkable.

The conus medullaris terminates at the L1 level and the thecal sac terminates at the S2 level.

The antero-posterior dimensions of the lumbar canal at the level of the intervertebral discs are as follows :

18.0 mm at L1-L2
17.0 mm at L2-L3
16.0 mm at L3-L4
13.0 mm at L4-L5
12.0 mm at L5-S1.


1. A fairly large, right paracentral disc extrusion at the L4-L5 level with inferior migration of the disc fragment indenting the traversing right L5 nerve root.

2. A small, postero-central, right postero-lateral and right far lateral disc herniations at the L5-S1 level.

3. Small posterior peridiscal osteophytes at the L3-L4 level.

4. A small postero-central protruded disc with peridiscal osteophytes at the L2-L3 level.

5. Facetal arthropathy, bilaterally at the L5-S1 level and on the left side at the L4-L5 level.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc XyzA. Al-halmn / M / 46 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzni.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Lumbo-sacral Spine.


H/O laminectomy at L4/L5 levels 8 months back.
C/O backache radiating to the BLE since 3 days.


M.R.I of the lumbo-sacral spine was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial images.


There is slight scoliosis of the lumbar spine with convexity to the right.

There is evidence of laminectomy at the L4 and L5 vertebral levels with post-operative changes in the soft tissues in the posterior lumbar region at these levels. Probable discectomy at the L4-L5 level is noted. The thecal sac is slightly retroplaced and appears slightly larger in diameter at the operative site. The margins of the thecal sac at L4-L5 and L5 levels cannot be differentiated from the scar tissue/granulation tissue around the thecal sac at these levels.
There is loss of water content of the L5-S1 and L1-L2 intervertebral discs.
The L4-L5 intervertebral disc appears hyperintense on the T2 Weighted images (when compared to the previous MRI dated 00.00.00), probably the result of post-operative changes.

A small apparent right paracentral disc herniation is noted at the L4-L5 level. The right L5 nerve root appears slightly larger in diameter as compared to the normal (scans 104.5-6, 102.6) and is ? inflamed.
There is a small, postero-central protruded disc with a peridiscal osteophyte at the L5-S1 level. A posterior peridiscal osteophyte with a disc bulge is seen at the L1-L2 level. The lumbar vertebral bodies and the remaining intervertebral discs reveal normal signal intensity. The facet joints and the visualized pre and paravertebral soft tissues are unremarkable.Fat is noted in the filum terminale at the L2 and L3 vertebral levels.The conus medullaris terminates at the D12-L1 level and the thecal sac terminates at the S2 level. The antero-posterior dimensions of the lumbar canal at the level of the intervertebral discs are as follows :21.0 mm at L1-L218.0 mm at L2-L321.0 mm at L3-L4IMPRESSION :1. Post-operative status.

2. A small apparent right paracentral disc herniation at the L4-L5 level.

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3. Presence of scar/granulation tissue around the thecal sac at the L4-L5 level.

4. Slight larger diameter of the right L5 nerve root as compared to the normal is ? due to nerve root inflammation.
4. Altered signal in the L4-L5 intervertebral disc is ? due to discoidectomy.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzsir Khamlmn / M / 44 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzapadia.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Lumbo-sacral Spine.


C/O backache with pain radiating to the RLE and paresthesias.


M.R.I of the lumbo-sacral spine was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial images.


There is loss of water content of the lumbar intervertebral discs.

There is a large right paracentral disc extrusion indenting the thecal sac and the traversing S1 nerve roots at the L5-S1 level. A small disc portion is seen to lie within the right lateral recess of the S1 vertebra with posterior displacement of the traversing right S1 nerve root. A small right postero-lateral disc herniation is seen to narrow the right neural foramen at the L5-S1 level.

Mild posterior disc bulge is noted at the L4-L5 level.

The L3-L4 facet joints show hypertrophic degenerative changes bilaterally.

Type II degenerative changes are noted within the L5 and S1 vertebral bodies adjacent to the L5-S1 disc.

The rest of the lumbar vertebral bodies reveal normal signal intensity. The remaining facet joints and the visualized pre and paravertebral soft tissues are unremarkable.

The conus medullaris terminates at the L1 level and the thecal sac terminates at the S2 level.

The antero-posterior dimensions of the lumbar canal at the level of the intervertebral discs are as follows :

16.0 mm at L1-L2
17.0 mm at L2-L3
16.0 mm at L3-L4
15.0 mm at L4-L5
12.0 mm at L5-S1.


1. A large right paracentral disc extrusion indenting the traversing S1 nerve roots at the L5-S1 level. A small disc portion is seen to lie within the right lateral recess of the S1 vertebra with posterior displacement of the traversing right S1 nerve root.

2. A small right postero-lateral disc herniation at the L5-S1 level.

3. Hypertrophic facetal arthropathy at the L3-L4 level.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc XyzSubblmn / M / 60 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyznkaria / Dr. Abc Xyzhwar.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Lumbo-sacral Spine.


C/O backache radiating to the RLE since 2 years.


M.R.I of the lumbo-sacral spine was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial images.


There is loss of normal lumbar lordosis and slight loss of water content of all the lumbar intervertebral discs.

There is a fairly large posterior and right paracentral extruded disc with peridiscal osteophytes at the L5-S1 level with inferior migration of the disc fragment, more to the right of the midline indenting the traversing right S1 nerve root with canal stenosis.

A small posterior disc herniation is noted at the L4-L5 level with bilateral neural foraminal narrowing and tight lumbar canal.

A left far lateral disc bulge is noted at the L3-L4 level with minimal indentation on the extraforaminal segment of the left L3 nerve root.

Slight facetal hypertrophy is noted at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels.

A probable right sided conjoint L4 and L5 nerve roots is noted.


Fatty marrow changes are noted in the upper lumbar vertebrae.

The rest of the lumbar vertebral bodies reveal normal signal intensity. The rest of the facet joints and the visualized pre and paravertebral soft tissues are unremarkable.

The conus medullaris terminates at the L1 level and the thecal sac terminates at the S1 level.

The antero-posterior dimensions of the lumbar canal at the level of the intervertebral discs are as follows :

17.0 mm at L1-L2
17.0 mm at L2-L3
15.0 mm at L3-L4
14.0 mm at L4-L5
10.0 mm at L5-S1.


1. A fairly large posterior and right paracentral extruded disc with peridiscal osteophytes at the L5-S1 level with inferior migration of the disc fragment, more to the right of the midline indenting the traversing right S1 nerve root with canal stenosis.

2. A small posterior disc herniation at the L4-L5 level with tight lumbar canal.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzn Salmn / F / 11 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzar.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Lumbo-sacral Spine.


C/O backache since 1 month.


M.R.I of the lumbo-sacral spine was performed using the following parameters :

4 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial images.


There is left lateral wedging of the L4 vertebral body. Areas of hypointensity on the T1 Weighted images which turn hyperintense on the T2 Weighted images are seen to involve the L4 vertebral body and both pedicles.

There is extension of this pathologic process into the pre and paravertebral soft tissues over the L3 to L5 vertebral levels. Also seen is extension into the anterior epidural space over the L4 to L5 vertebral levels and encroachment into the L4-L5 neural foramina bilaterally.

There appears to be enlarged lymph nodes in the lumbar prevertebral region.

The L4-L5 intervertebral disc shows loss of water content.

The rest of the lumbar vertebral bodies and the remaining intervertebral discs reveal normal signal intensity. The facet joints are unremarkable.

The conus medullaris terminates at the L1 level and the thecal sac terminates at the S2 level.


The MRI features are suggestive of a pathologic process involving the L4 vertebral body with extensions as described is not specific for a single diagnosis. The differential diagnosis would include :

1. Infective processes like tuberculosis.

2. Neoplastic processes like small cell tumors.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzlmn / M / 26 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzrnad.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Brain.


H/O fever with chills since 15 days.
C/O seizures, altered sensation and weakness of BLE since 00.00.00.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.
4 mm thick FLAIR coronal images.
The cervical spine was screened with 4 mm thick T2 Weighted sagittal images.


There are hyperintense areas on the proton, T2 Weighted and FLAIR images within both cerebral peduncles.

Both the lateral, third and the fourth ventricles are normal. The basal cisternal spaces are unremarkable.There is no shift of the midline structures. No obvious vascular anomaly is identified on this study.

Screening T2 Weighted images of the cervical spine reveal a suspicious hyperintense signal within the cervical spinal cord over the C3 to C6 vertebral levels. A small right paracentral disc herniation is noted at the C3-C4 level.


1. Altered signal within both cerebral peduncles is not specific for a single diagnosis. Such changes may be seen with ADEM.

2. Suspicious altered signal within the cervical spinal cord over C3 to C6 vertebral levels may suggest myelitis/ADEM in the given clinical setting. A dedicated cervical spine study is indicated, preferably under sedation.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzheb Shlmn / M / 68 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc XyzBR> Examination : M.R.I. of the Left Foot.


Known diabetic. On Rx.
H/O shoe bite 8 days back with disarticulation at the 1st metatarsophalyngeal joint 4 days back.
Now C/O swelling over the left foot since then.


M.R.I of the left foot was performed using the following parameters :

4 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial (with fat saturation) images.

4 mm thick T1 Weighted and GRASS sagittal images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and STIR coronal images.


There is evidence of disarticulation at the first metatarsophalyngeal joint with a surgical defect in that region. There is an intermediate intensity soft tissue lesion on the T1 Weighted images on the dorsum and the plantar aspect of the left foot at the site of previous surgery, around the head of the left metatarsal. This lesion appears hyperintense on the T2 Weighted and STIR images and may represent post-operative changes in the given clinical setting. Similar ill-defined, hyperintense, signal on the T2 Weighted and STIR images is noted in the subcutaneous tissues of the dorsum of the foot and in the intermuscular planes in the plantar aspect of the foot. Minimal fluid is noted around the tibio-talar joint.

The rest of the joints of the left foot and ankle show normal alignment. The visualized ligaments and tendon sheaths are unremarkable.

There is a well-marginated, approximately 1.0 cm diameter sized hypointense lesion on the T1 Weighted images in the region of the neck of the talus. This lesion appears hyperintense on the T2 Weighted images.

The rest of the bones of the left foot and ankle show normal signal characteristics. There is no bone destruction or erosion noted.


1. Post-operative status.

2. Changes in the soft tissues around the head of the first metatarsal may be due to previous surgery.

3. Altered signal in the subcutaneous tissues and in the intermuscular planes around the left foot may suggests cellulitis in the given clinical setting.

4. Altered signal intensity lesion in the neck of the talus is not specific for a single etiology. This lesion may represent a degenerative cyst/marrow inhomogeneity.
Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyz Kalmn / M / 20 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyztel.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Brain.


C/O episodes of hypersomnolence with 3 episodes of seizures.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.

3 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted coronal images.

5 mm thick FLAIR coronal images.


There is no focal area of altered signal intensity in the brain parenchyma.

The hippocampal complex on either side is unremarkable.

Both the lateral, third and the fourth ventricles are normal. The basal cisternal spaces are unremarkable.There is no shift of the midline structures. No obvious vascular anomaly is identified on this study.


Normal study of the Brain.

Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzra Jalmn / M / 29 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyznna.
Examination : M.R.I. of the S. I. Joints.


C/O pain in the right hip region since 6 months.
H/O fever, on and off.


M.R.I of the S. I. joints was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted (with fat saturation) axial images.

5 mm thick T1 Weighted and STIR coronal images.


There is replacement of the normal marrow of the right sacral ala and the iliac bone adjacent to the sacro-iliac joint by hypointense areas on the T1 Weighted images. This is seen to turn hyperintense on the T2 Weighted and STIR images. There is suggestion of erosion of the cortex on the mid one third portion with involvement of the right S. I. joint space. Subtle hyperintense signal is seen in the adjacent soft tissue on the T2 Weighted and STIR images suggestive of inflammatory edema.

There is an intermediate signal intensity lesion with hypointense centre on the T1 Weighted images anterior to the right S. I. joint which is seen to turn hyperintense on the T2 Weighted images and would represent an abscess formation. There is resultant displacement of the right ilio-psoas muscle anteriorly. This pathology is in close proximity to the right lumbo-sacral plexus.

The left sacro-iliac joint appear normal. The left iliac bone and the sacral ala show normal signal intensity.

The hip joints are unremarkable.

The visualized musculature of the pelvis appears normal.


The MRI features are suggestive of altered signal in the right sacral ala and the iliac bone with involvement of the right sacro-iliac joint space with abscess formation is most likely due to a granulomatous infective process like tuberculosis.