Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Date : 00.00.00

Name of the Patient : Abc Xyz lmn / M / 49 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc XyzB. Shah.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Pelvis.


Operated for hernia on 00.00.00 with discharging sinus since then.


M.R.I of the pelvis was performed using the following parameters:

8 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted (with fat saturation) axial images.

7 mm thick T1 Weighted and STIR coronal images.

8 mm thick T1 Weighted sagittal images.


The subcutaneous fat in the inguinal regions on either side shows an ill-defined hypointense signal on the T1 Weighted images and which turns significantly hyperintense on the T2 Weighted and STIR images. There is a break in the continuity of the surface of the skin on either side in these regions at about the level of the roof of the acetabulum, suggesting a sinus. The sinus tract on the left side also shows evidence of air. The underlying abdominal wall muscles on the left at the operative site also show an ill-defined hyperintense signal on the T2 Weighted and STIR images. An approximately 2.0 cms diameter sized collection is noted deep to the sinus tract on the left in close relation to the left ilio-psoas muscle (se/im 103.21, 104.6). Another smaller collection is seen in the anterior abdominal wall to the right of the midline at the acetabular roof level (se/im 102/22, 102.23, 103/22 and 103.23).

The urinary bladder shows normal wall thickness. There is no prostatic enlargement noted. The seminal vesicles are unremarkable.

The visualized bony pelvis shows normal signal intensity. The visualized hip joints are unremarkable.

The ischio-rectal fossae on either side appear normal.

There are no abnormally enlarged pelvic lymph nodes identified. No obvious vascular anomaly is noted. There is no free fluid in the pelvis.


Altered signal in the subcutaneous fat in the inguinal regions on either side may represent inflammatory changes, in the given clinical setting. Break in continuity of the skin surface in these regions suggest sinus tracts. Involvement of the anterior abdominal wall muscles on the left is noted with a small collection deep to the anterior abdominal wall muscles to the left and a smaller collection in the anterior abdominal wall, to the right of the midline as described.

Read 151 times Last modified on Monday, 28 December 2015 14:11

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