Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Name of the Patient : Abc Xyz Vlmn / F / 24 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzapadia.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Right Thigh.


C/O swelling over the right thigh since 4-5 years with pain since 3 months (on & off).


M.R.I. of the right thigh was performed using the following parameters :

8 mm thick T1 Weighted and T2 Weighted axial images.

5 mm thick Proton and STIR coronal images.

8 mm thick T1 Weighted and GRASS sagittal images.


There is seen a fairly large, approximately 6.0 x 6.0 x 12.0 cms sized well-defined, intermediate signal intensity mass lesion on the T1 Weighted images in the posterior compartment of the middle third of the right thigh laterally, superficial to the biceps femoris muscles. This lesion appears significantly hyperintense on the T2 Weighted and STIR images. The proximal margin of this lesion is about 7.0 cms inferior to the right ischial tuberocity. The right biceps femoris muscles and the right semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles are displaced medially by the lesion. The fat planes around this lesion are well-defined. There is no vascular encasement noted. No bone erosion or destruction is identified. The subcutaneous fat overlying this lesion shows normal signal.

- 2 - scan-00003

There is seen another, similar signal intensity lesion about 4.0 cms distal to the inferior margin of the above described lesion. This lesion is noted in the posterior compartment of the distal third of the right thigh, in the fat plane between the biceps femoris muscles and the semimembranosus muscle. This lesion measures approximately 3.0 x 5.0 cms. and is probably in continuity with the above described larger lesion by a thin communicating track (scans 106.8 & 107.8). The fat planes around the smaller lesion are also well-identified. This lesion is lateral and posterior to the popliteal vessels.

The visualized muscles in the right thigh show normal signal.

The visualized left thigh is also unremarkable.


The MRI features are suggestive of two fairly well-defined mass lesions in the posterior compartment of the middle and distal third of the right thigh. Their signal characteristics, size and relations are described above. These lesions are most likely incommunication with each other by a thin track. These lesions are not specific for a single etiology. The possibility of a distended bursa, chronic abscess or a long standing hematoma may be considered as differential diagnosis. Remote possibility of a pseudo-aneurysm may be considered.

The possibility of a neoplasm seems less likely.

Read 102 times Last modified on Monday, 28 December 2015 14:21

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