Sunday, 27 December 2015 16:48


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Name of the Patient : Abc Xyzunder lmn / M / 18 yrs.
Referred by : Dr. Abc Xyzah.
Examination : M.R.I. of the Brain.


C/O seizures.
H/O TBM with right sided hemiparesis at 4 months of age.


M.R.I of the brain was performed using the following parameters :

5 mm thick T1 Weighted, proton and T2 Weighted axial images.

5 mm thick FLAIR coronal images.


There are areas which are iso to hyperintense to CSF on all the pulse sequences within the left fronto-temporo-parietal lobes.

There are hyperintense areas on the proton, T2 Weighted and FLAIR images located adjacent to these areas and which appear hypointense to isointense on the T1 Weighted images and represent gliotic changes. There is crowding of the sulci in the left cerebral hemisphere. The head of the left caudate nucleus and left lentiform nucleus are not properly visualized. There is ex-vacuo dilatation of the left lateral ventricle. All these features are suggestive of loss of volume in the left cerebral hemisphere with cystic encephalomalacic changes. The left internal carotid artery and the left middle cerebral artery and its branches appear smaller as compared to the left side.

The right cerebellar hemisphere is slightly smaller as compared to the left and this may represent crossed cerebellar diaschisis.

The right lateral, third and the fourth ventricles are normal. The basal cisternal spaces are unremarkable.

Incidental note is made inflammatory changes in the mastoid air cells on the right side.


The MRI features are suggestive of volume loss in the left cerebral hemisphere with areas of cystic encephalomalacia within the left fronto-temporal-parietal lobes, probably the sequelae of a previous vascular insult in a C/O TBM.

As compared to the previous CT Scan of 0000, no significant change is noted.

Read 123 times Last modified on Monday, 28 December 2015 15:04

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